Illinois Association for Gifted Children
My Child Says That She is "Bored" in School. How Should I Raise This Concern With My Child's Teacher at Our Upcoming Parent-Teacher Conference?
Parent-teacher conferences are an excellent forum for addressing questions and concerns about student progress. Yet, when face to face with a child’s teacher, a concern such as “I think that my child is bored in school,” can be difficult to articulate. Here are a few suggestions for parents with concerns about insufficient challenge:
Although our children need to learn to be effective self-advocates, they also need our support. Parents and teachers who communicate and engage in a positive partnership to support student learning bring positive results for students. Sharing and discussing concerns about "boredom" with your child's teacher may not be easy, but is an important part of advocating for your child and can lead to new, engaging paths for learning.
-Patricia Steinmeyer
To learn more about the benefits of acceleration visit the Acceleration Institute, Belin-Blank Center, College of Education, The University of Iowa
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Illinois Association for Gifted Children 1500 Sullivan Road Aurora, IL 60506 Ph: 630-907-5047Fax: 630-907-5976
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